12PM-1PM: Lunch
1PM-4PM: Minecraft Coding & Game Design
Early-Morning Drop-off and Late Afternoon Pick-up are available
Registration for this schedule starts on 11/22/2023 and ends on 07/19/2024
Participants must be 7 years to 9 years old when the program starts.
9AM-12PM: LEGO Minecraft or LEGO SuperHeroes
LEGO Minecraft
Let's travel to the Nether, but watch out for those Creepers! Come join us as we bring Minecraft® to life using your creativity and a ton of LEGO® bricks. Build with your friends and create animals, creepers, potions, buildings, and your very own Minecraft® character in this engaging and super-fun class! Then bring them together to create an elaborate Minecraft® world! How well do you think you know Minecraft®? What will you create?
This is a creative and technical class that teaches fundamental design principles; LEGO® building structural techniques; and the ability to make imaginations become reality within the Minecraft® theme. Students learn about Symmetry, Rules of framing and composition, and how to tell a story using LEGO®as their artistic medium.
LEGO SuperHeroes
Calling all LEGO® fans!! To the BatCave... or Lair, or Hideout, or... you decide! Where will your SuperHero live? What powers will they have? How will they get to where the trouble is? Or, is yours a Villain that creates trouble for SuperHeroes? Unleash your creativity, learn cool LEGO® building techniques, and have a blast with your friends building a vast fantasy world out of more than 20,000 LEGO® bricks!
12PM-1PM: Lunch Break
Students should bring nut-free lunch, snacks, and juice to eat and enjoy as they get hungry throughout the day. Water and restrooms are available. If weather permits, campers will be taken outside to walk and enjoy the playground nearby.
1PM-4PM: Minecraft Coding
Learn Coding and Video Game Design the Minecraft Way! In this superfun course, kids learn how to code as they design and modify their own Minecraft landscapes, farms, and items. Explore adventure maps, dungeon maps, designs of structures and buildings, and building elaborate farms. Then, take your Minecraft skills to the next level by designing Redstone circuits and modding to add even more depth and complexity to the game. Beginner modding is perfect for those who have played Minecraft before but have never dabbled in mods. This course gives you the right tools and resources you need to create advanced structures and designs that were previously impossible. From custom skins to new blocks and items, the possibilities are endless when it comes to modding Minecraft.
Early-Morning Drop-Off and Late-Afternoon Pick-Up services are available here.
*LEGO is a trademark of The LEGO Group, which does not sponsor, authorize, or endorse these programs.
Please contact NextGen SmartyPants if you have any questions.